Category: Read a sweet story
Positive energy – daily
I was recently asked why my posts in Facebook looks like a daily repetition. Indeed they do look very similar, while there is a heartwarming reason and a logical pattern behind. This mixed with my ability to stick to a plan, sometimes đ It is a story I’m ready to tell and share now. Couple…
Collecting moments of Awe
A few weeks ago, I wrote to a new contact the following “even so I do what I do as Chocolate Angel started already over 10 years ago, but the moment itself is every time an ‘Awe’ moment for me ?” When I wrote these words it was a completely spontaneous thought, it just came…
Stages of a Chocolate Angel path
The Chocolate Angel wouldn’t exist without my years in the corporate world. My personal transformation wouldn’t have happened without my time outside of the corporate world. And now I’m in a position where I can say, corporate world and Chocolate Angel is the best combination for me, both sides of me found each other and…
âWertschĂ€tzungâ aka appreciation in our world
The term âvalue addedâ is in my opinion overly used these days in many fields, I remember it for example from my IT past. One of the German words for it is âWertschöpfungâ, you create a value. âWertâ aka value, âSchöpfungâ for me is nicely connected to the creation of the world, reminds me of…
Diary of a Chocolate bar
When I woke up this morning, I knew it will be a special day, together with 99 of my siblings, we were meant to surprise a long queue of waiting customers, they all came to Taka-Töölö, to the opening of the new Fazer Cafe. Being ‘born’ as one of the first Dumle Fazer chocolate bars,…
Workaholic was a Chocolate Angel in the making
Most of my life I was dedicated passionately to the ‘lucky’ company who had me on their payroll. It was quite a fine list of companies, from my family owned business, via tiny 3 people companies to some of the largest and well known global operating enterprises. If there wouldn’t have been a special day…
Retail staff deserves more…like a smile
Recently I was pretty shocked to read an article in Yle, titled ‘Survey: Majority of retail workers in Finland face abuse from customers’ This really struck a nerve, it left me sad and speechless. When I ‘found’ my speech back I wanted to write about this. Because at the same time, reading the article brought…
Chocolate Angel meets also special needs…
One of the basic “heartfelt” principles of the Chocolate Angel is to ensure that the “magic” box contains something special for everyone, for your needs, right at the moment when we meet. Experience shows it is not always chocolate. One of the many joyful tasks it to observe and adjust the offering on a constant…
Small moments can make all the difference…
Meeting new people and exchanging ideas can lead to great insights. A few days ago I met Kaj, we agreed beforehand to meet for a coffee in Helsinki. Our first potential encounter was a conference in Turku where I offered participants to meet the Chocolate Angel for a boost of positive energy. That was quite…
How did the Chocolate Angel found her wings…
Working in IT is certainly the job in which you meet many people in a face 2 face moment, right đ Not really, or let’s say often only virtually. At least not if you have a job with global outreach, your office is in DĂŒsseldorf (Germany), the headquarter is in Espoo (Finland), your closest work…