Have you met the Chocolate Angel today?

If you would ask this question to a bus driver of line 18 in Helsinki, an optician, a comic artist or a cautious woman walking in the city, the answer would be YES, I did!

If you met the chocolate angel in an office environment before, you might have an idea of the concept behind, but many of you never met the chocolate angel. At least not in a face2face moment, you might met her during a remote meeting where the chocolate is replaced by an overall positive attitude. The concept is as simple as providing you with a small but precious moment in your day.

Unexpected and not linked to any expectations, usually using either a black shoulder crossing bag or a red box full of chocolate or sweets. It is not just a positive moment for the receiver, but the chocolate angel is getting a lot of energy and motivation back. The reactions are priceless and at least I hope the receiver gets a lot of positive energy as well, not just from the calories, but more from the smile which often appears on their faces.

Let me share with you as well the little stories which deserved a piece of chocolate today, I was in a hurry to catch a bus and the driver was patient enough to wait for me, he saw me running. The comic artist was involved in a refugee supporting activity, selling comic art for the benefit of red cross supporting refugees. She was waiting for me to handover a beautiful and special piece of art. My optician took extra care and checked many times my eye pressure to be sure the fluctuating results are giving the needed insights into my health. The woman on the street wanted to cross a quiet side street even though the traffic light showed red, last second she stopped and waited. We agreed that even if there are no kids around, it is better to stop to keep a good role model.

Perhaps you can answer the same question with YES tomorrow or any day in the future! Or you want to try it out yourself, I can guarantee you, it is worth the minimum effort and investment!
Warmest regards from the Chocolate Angel!