Chocolate Angel intro – about me

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Video script: Welcome to your sweet micro-moment of love 🙂

Have you ever met a Chocolate Angel? YES, that means you are already smiling.

If the answer is NO, a few words about me and my profession.

I’m a German, happily living in Finland, that’s where I found the best job in the world. Making people smile with sweet micro-moments of love. Imagine you could brighten up each & every circumstance, stress at work, a refugee camp, an elderly home, a reason to show appreciation to another person or an event of any sort. Your imagination is as good as mine, or even better 🙂 The possibilities are endless. With my invisible wings I’m able to fly into every corner of the world.

You can book ‘rent’ the Chocolate Angel, and she will approach everyone with a big smile & a sweet treat from her magic box.

Due to my passion and the way I pursue it, amazing moments are happening all along and I want to share those stories one by one with you. So please subscribe to my Chocolate Angel channel on YouTube, for all those beautiful, surprising and joyful moments to come.

You want to learn more and spread the word!

My website was created with a dream in mind, you have a bad day, open the page and the smile comes automatically

Social media: @chocolateangelF (like Chocolate Angel – Fly)

#micromomentsoflove #masterofsmiles #positiveenergy

Greetings from your one and only Chocolate Angel ‘kisses’ see you soon!