Chocolate Angel goes ART

When you finally understand what you do 🙂

If you want to help to change the world with a smile and a box full of chocolate, your support is highly appreciated at Patreon.

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Video Script: Welcome to your sweet micro-moment of love 🙂

When I started my business I did it out of my gut feeling, I just knew that this is what I want to do and that there is so much potential in spreading positive energy in the workplace. As it often goes for me, I wasn’t really planning and weighing in different options, I just jumped ‘ship’ and registered my business. Along the last three years I realized that my work suits more into the form of a non-profit, but even that doesn’t exactly describe my work.

During the last couple of months I met someone who said meeting me is more comparable to an actor to which I first said, naah, I don’t act. But the thought of performance art started to seep into my thoughts, I started researching what is the definition of art. To learn that both, my work and art have one thing in common, both trigger emotions. So when I happen to meet and inspire a smile on the face of an actor, I had no idea who he was, I asked him whether the moment he met me could be considered art. He said with deep conviction, absolutely, it is a form of art, no question. The amazing thing for me is that I was able to immediately accept that, it suddenly made so much sense and a lot of unsolved puzzle pieces were falling into place.

Let me use this moment to announce that the Chocolate Angel is looking for patreons, to support her mission to make people smile in every corner of the world, to talk about her work, to inspire and to spread smiles and appreciation.

To become a patreon, please check out, even the smallest financial support can help to change the world, one smile at a time.

Greetings from your one and only Chocolate Angel ‘kisses’ see you soon!